Innovative Cross Border Tourism SMEs Cluster
Project Summary
The overall objective of INNOTOURCLUST is to improve competitiveness and cooperation of Italian, Albanian and Montenegrin SMEs through the creation of an innovative cross border tourist cluster, focused on the integration and training of local economic operators, so that they can meet the growing international demand for ‘tourist experiences’. This will be achieved through the supply of new services, products and cooperation opportunities among SMEs, local stakeholders, public authorities and business organizations and will lead to a new cross border integrated tourism network.
Total budget | 813.341,00 EUR |
EU Contribution | IPA co-financing 85% |
Duration | 2018 / 2020 |
Main Outputs
- Innovative cross border tourism SMEs cluster
- Business agreements and pilot initiatives among SMEs
- Workshops for SMEs and B2B events
- Capacity building digital labs for business support organizations
Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Project Partners
- Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Economia, Università del Salento (IT)
- Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo di Termoli (IT)
- Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit (AL)
- Dhoma e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë, Tiranë (AL)
- Nacionalna turistička organizacija Crne Gore (ME)
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